국내, 해외 여행을 다니면서 가보았던 호텔중 최고의 호텔이었습니다. 여행이 끝나 집에 돌아가는길에 엄마가 무엇이 제일 기억에 남느냐고 물어보셨는데 스푼호텔이 제일먼저 떠올랐어요. 갑자기 떠난 여행이라서 준비도 없이 무작정 왔었는데, 스푼호텔 직원인 Ms.Moon이 하롱베이 예약과 하노이 주변관광지 설명도 해주셔서 힘들이지 않고 쉽게 관광하고 왔습니다. 호텔 조식에 Ms.Moon이 만들어준 쌀국수는 하노이에서 먹은 음식중 제일 맛있었어요. 과일, 떡, 커피, 사탕 등등 아낌없이 주려고하는 마음씨도 너무 착하고 좋았습니다. 그리고 저희 부모님도 잘 챙겨주셔서 더 감동받았어요. 다음에는 머리식히러 일부러 베트남 스푼호텔로 갈것 같아요. Ms.Moon도 너무 친절했고, 다른 직원분도 좋았거든요. 착한 사람들하고 같이 이야기하고 웃고있으면 저절로 힐링이 되잖아요. Ms.Moon고맙고 보고싶어요~
It was the best hotel I have ever been to while traveling at home and abroad. I went to Hanoi, Vietnam and Thailand with my parents. On my way home from the trip, my mom asked me what was the most memorable thing, and the Spoon Hotel came to mind first. As it was a sudden trip away, I came without any preparation, but I had no difficulty visiting the hotel because of the reservations I made for Harombay and explanation about tourist attractions around Hanoi. In particular, the rice noodles at the Spoon Hotel that Ms. Moon made for our hotel breakfast were the most delicious food we ate in Hanoi. I was so kind and nice to give fruit, rice cake, coffee, candy, and many others freely. And I was impressed because my parents took good care of me. Next time I think I'll go to the Vietnamese Spoon Hotel on purpose. Ms. Moon was very kind, but I liked the other employees, too.
Talk with good people and smile to yourself. Thank you for making good memories of the Spoon Hotel. I miss you Ms. Moon.