대만여행이 처음이고 혼자나 둘이서 여행한다면 지내기 좋은 숙소입니다. 그러나 방이 일본에 있는 호텔보다는 좀 넓지만 우리나라 호텔보다는 좀 작았습니다. 저는 가장 저렴한 방을 선택했던 관계로 창문이 없었는데, 창문이 있었다면 자동차 소리때문에 매우 시끄러웠을 것 같습니다. 주변에 대만메인역과 쇼핑몰이 있고 길만 건너면 맥도날드와 KFC, 편의점 등이 있어 지내기는 아주 좋았습니다. 대만 어디를 가고 싶어도 중간지점이라 가는데 그리 힘들지 않았습니다. 1층에 코인세탁실과 아이스티와 간식이 무제한 제공되는 공용주방이 있습니다. 혼자서 여행을 간다면 다시 갈 의향은 있습니다.
This is a great place to stay if it is your first time traveling to Taiwan and you are traveling alone. However, the room was a bit larger than hotels in Japan, but smaller than in Korea. Since I chose the cheapest room, there was no window, but if there had been a window, it would have been very noisy due to the sound of cars. It was very nice to stay as there was Taiwan Main Station and a shopping mall nearby, and there were McDonald's, KFC, and convenience stores just across the street. No matter where you wanted to go in Taiwan, it was a halfway point so getting there wasn't that difficult. There is a coin laundry and a small open kitchen on the first floor with unlimited iced tea and snacks. If I’m planning to travel alone, I would definitely go again. by the way the staff are very kind and helpful.