매리어트 호텔, 탁트인 고층뷰 수영장 그리고 루프탑에서 보는 전망 및 선셋과 낮게 접근하는 비행기 등 소소하지만 확실한 이벤트 있음. 선셋명소임!! 호텔 직원들의 서비스 질이 생각보다 높아서 만족함. 호텔이 매우 쾌적함. 건너편 호텔에서 환전도 가능. 시내가 가까워 도보이동 가능(케케마트, 워터프론트, 이마고몰, 야시장 등). 그랩 접근성 너무 좋음.
There are small but definite events such as the Marriott Hotel, an open high-rise view swimming pool, a view from the rooftop, a sunset, and a low-approaching airplane. It’s a famous sunset spot!! I was satisfied because the quality of service from the hotel staff was higher than I expected. The hotel is very comfortable. Currency exchange is also possible at the hotel across the street. It is close to downtown and can be reached on foot (Keke Mart, Waterfront, Imago Mall, night market, etc.). Grab accessibility is very good.