Bedbugs...Bedbugs.... Bedbugs... Bedbugs... Did I mention that this place has bedbugs?
I understand that accommodation gets bedbugs, but my friend was bitten quite badly by them when she stayed there.
However, they refused to help my friend. I e-mailed them and my friend spoke to them about about helping my friend with some medication and they REFUSED, despite it being a legal obligation to provide assistance in these circumstances.
My friend had to go to another hostel and cancel their remaining nights without a refund.
If they had simply paid for medication for my friend and refunded her for her remaining nights, I wouldn't have had a problem.
However, if they don't want to provide any medication for my friend, which is a basic legal requirement, then you should avoid this place. Could you trust them to help you if you had something more serious? Probably not.