Room was absolutely disgusting. Urine on walls, Urine on toilet, Unwashed stains on blankets, NO SHEETS on bed,
carpet was so dirty I didn't want to walk barefoot. when I confronted the front desk, he offered a different room. My 3 very small children and couple of dogs were already in room, it was 1am. I figured changing rooms would be the same. (why would they clean another room any better??) He gave us 2 flat sheets for 2 beds, said he didn't have any more sheets available. the flat sheets he gave us were full of black hair!! Gross...
If I hadn't been driving for 35 hours, I would have left to find ANYTHING BETTER, But I was exhausted, It was 1am, thought I could get a quick hoping that my car wasn't ransacked or stolen in the night that was left.
I cannot believe they of this property can get away with this...